As the new year begins, would bringing more ease into your daily life be helpful?
Tapping is a simple yet powerful self applied tool that does just that!
My story demonstrates the power of "aspects" or "nuggets". Missing the mysterious "aspect" or "nugget" can delay physical or emotional healing.
30 years ago, during my nurses training, a patient had a fatal heart attack and landed on top of me. As a result of this traumatic event, I experienced 30 years of undiagnosable pain. To help with my pain, I was given free reign to try any and all treatments. These treatments included medication's, injections to my spine and sacroiliac joints, medical massage, acupuncture, hypnosis, and on and on. I was aware that the pain was being caused by the trauma of the initial event, but no matter what I tried, I could not get relief. After trying to work through the pain for several years, without success, I finally had to leave hospital nursing.
12 years ago, I learned Tapping. My mentor practitioner zeroed in on what the specific "aspect" or "nugget" about the event was that would not allow the pain to resolve.
The patient that fell on me had been a DNR. He was in the ICU and in critical condition. He or his family had chosen no resuscitation, should his heart stop. When he had the fatal heart attack and landed on top of me, he was scheduled to be released from the hospital the next morning. He had been sharing with me how excited he was to go home and be with his family. No one had addressed his code status so he was still DNR. Therefore, when he had the fatal heart attack, and landed on top of me, he was not resuscitated.
I was a naïve, young nurse in training. At the time, I felt he should have been resuscitated. My beliefs may be different now, but that "aspect" of my traumatic event was what stuck in my body, causing all that pain.
When I was able to TAP OUT that "aspect", the pain resolved within minutes. That was 12 years ago and I have never had a moment of back pain since!
Being a detective with yourself to find out the specific "aspect", causing distress, is the key to using Tapping effectively. I teach these nuances in private sessions and at my "Living With Ease Through Tapping" Workshops.
Feel free to reach out for a private session, in person or on zoom, or attend one of my Tapping Workshops. I would love to help you find the missing link to relieve your issue, whether physical or emotional.