My mission is to teach Tapping Workshops for Employees
and Administrative Staff within organizations

workplace workshops


I offer customized workshops designed to help staff effectively manage stressful situations in the workplace. In doing so, we can increase the wellness and morale of your staff, help them be more productive, have fewer sick days, and add to the overall vitality of the workplace.

As a registered nurse since 1982 with extensive medical experience, I learned about a technique called Tapping after my own 33-year struggle with chronic back pain. The pain dissipated after one session and I knew I needed to bring this self-healing tool to others to help them improve their own lives. I since have become a certified Tapping practitioner and now teach workshops in varied situations both in public and corporate settings. 

Tapping allows YOU to bring your mind and body into a state of peace and ease very quickly, once you know the simple “recipe.” It is a technique that can be taught in an hour or two and then used for a lifetime. Learn more here how it works.

I began teaching “Living With Ease Through Tapping” workshops twelve years ago. After completion of the workshop, attendees report feeling confident using this technique to reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace.

If you are interested in bringing this workshop to your organization,