August 2024

Can you believe September is almost here already?  It feels like summer is flying by - for me anyway. Not sure how I feel about that to be honest. In North Idaho where I now live, the change of season is quite dramatic, so different from California where I spent most of my adult life. 

No matter the season, I continue to teach Tapping wherever, whenever possible.

I’d like to share a story about the many ways Tapping can be used to ease discomfort in our lives, whether physical or emotional.

I was volunteering at a local music festival. A fellow volunteer and I started talking about sleep and how difficult it can  be to get to sleep after a stimulating evening, like working at the festival on the late shift. I asked if she was able to take a nap that day and she proceeded to share about a horrible nightmare she had the night before. She had been afraid to take a nap for fear the nightmare would recur. She shared all the details and became quite upset “seeing” the person that had hurt her in the nightmare. 

I never miss an opportunity to teach someone Tapping so that’s what we did. We tapped on the 9 points while she talked about the specifics of what happened during the nightmare. After 1 round of Tapping, (about 45 seconds) she could no longer see the face of the person who had hurt her and was even having a hard time recalling any details. 
She felt totally calm retelling the nightmare. When I followed up with her the following day, she had been able to sleep without fear of the nightmare returning.

The simplicity and power of this technique has been blowing my mind for the past 12 years and continues to do so every day.

I am passionate about supporting the well-being of individuals as a way to heal our global community.

For those that do not live in Sandpoint, I offer sessions via ZOOM which clients tell me is just as effective as in person and even easier - no driving necessary :)

To More Ease In Our Lives,
